In Loving Memory of Clayton

In Loving Memory of Clayton-

The mention of my child’s name may bring tears to my eyes, but it never fails to bring music to my ears. If you really are my friend, please don’t keep me from hearing this beautiful music: It soothes my broken heart and fills my soul with love.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I've been here before

I find myself lately asking myself, Have I been here before? have I experienced this before? With the beautiful weather we're having, I am reminded of my life a year ago. I was doing as I'm doing now, per-pairing for the arrival of our child. But oh- is it so much different this time.

So many times lately have I had that "day sha voo" feeling.  It's just a feeling that comes flooding back, that takes me right back to a year ago.

Like when I was In the shower in the morning, feeling like I'm getting ready to go to the NICU to see Clayton, or washing purple grapes to pack for my lunch, like I did while we were in the NICU. The spell & the feeling the downstairs has. I went down their to put something away, and it stopped me in my tracks. Just this time last year we were finishing up the final touched on the basement & I couldn't believe how much it felt & spelled the same. I was instantly back pregnant with Clayton, per-pairing for him. I can't believe how much I feel the same. The weather is beautiful & I'm loving it, but it brings back a lot of memories, good & bad.
On top of that, It's just a hard time of year. The first full year without Clayton, the anniversary of his birthday right around my due date with Miss Henning, & the the pending birth of miss Henning.

So I feel it's to be expected, I'm a little frazzled. I am learning to take one day at a time, do what I can & want to & just enjoy life.

Monday, March 12, 2012

can i lean on you?

Today was a day, where I woke up thinking it was just an ordinary day. But I was caught off guard by UN-expected emotion. I'm just having a hard time. I know it's normal but I just am struggling with so many mixed emotions. Excited with my growing belly & feeling little miss Henning move around, which means it's getting closer to meeting her. Yet at the same time, still devastated with the loss of Clayton.  It's just a slap in the face that I lost Clayton.
I miss him so terribly much. I remember the feeling I had very soon after Clayton passed, that I couldn't wait to have a baby in my arms again. My arms just hurt, along with my heart. It was Marcus & I that decided, we would like to be parents again, sooner rather than later. But I was not at all aware of how hard it would be &  for what that would be emotionally. I never ever thought it would be this hard. I know we can make it & we will be ok, because I have already survived the worst thing in the world. Yet I still pray for strength and understanding from others, daily. It's very hard. I want little miss Henning here so badly, but I also want Clayton back. I know that can't be. It's just hard to look to the future, when i'm still grieving the past. I'm just reminded of what I missed with him as I plan for her future. I know that Clayton will always be a part of our future, because I know in my heart, he's a reason for his sister.
I am realizing I need to lean on my friends and family, they are the ones who've gotten me through so far & I hoping they can help get me over this bump. I just hope they understand. This isn't easy, it's not written in a book on how to handle. It's day to day. I pray for strength & understanding.