In Loving Memory of Clayton

In Loving Memory of Clayton-

The mention of my child’s name may bring tears to my eyes, but it never fails to bring music to my ears. If you really are my friend, please don’t keep me from hearing this beautiful music: It soothes my broken heart and fills my soul with love.

Monday, January 16, 2012

I will make the best of it

I find myself getting lost in time, forgetting that it's not quite been 7 month's since Clayton went to heaven. I just forget it's ok to hurt & have days where it just sucks. I forget to be easy on myself & expect that it's never going to be easy grieving his loss, time will lessen the pain & make it EASIER to handle., but it's never going to be EASY.  I just have to stop & think about what we have been through. To speak it out loud, "we lost our son" Hearing that it shakes me to my core, when i have to really think about it. I wish so much that things just could have been different. Never have I regretted the decisions we made for Clayton's life & the one's he made for his own, but I just wish to terribly, that he could have gotten a different fate. I always think back to when Marcus & I realized we'd loose Clayton, Marcus said, "I never thought i'd loose my first born, before I got to take him home." NEVER did we.

I find myself these days being easily side tracked from my grief, getting caught up in the daily life occurrences again. When I stray too much away from my inner self & my feelings, that's when I get hit. Hit by the emotional train that final has to derail. During Clayton's life & a few months after, I dedicated myself to healing. Reading wonderful helpful book, blogging & just really focusing on the positive of life. Now, however I find myself slipping away from that. I think it's because time has lessened the pain & I feel like it's expected of me to be ok & to "move on" but I know that's not right for me. I am much happier & healthier, healing myself, focusing on the importance, my life, my husband's life, the memory of our son & the new life we've been given. As much as I want to go through everyday not thinking about the life I have now, I am still thankful for it. God gave me this, so I WILL make the best of it!

So as I go through the next few month's & years of my life, I'll remember, I lost my son, it sucks, but I will be ok!

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