In Loving Memory of Clayton

In Loving Memory of Clayton-

The mention of my child’s name may bring tears to my eyes, but it never fails to bring music to my ears. If you really are my friend, please don’t keep me from hearing this beautiful music: It soothes my broken heart and fills my soul with love.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Today is a new day, the begining of a new season. So I thought I'd reflect on what im grateful for. Yes, there are still some things im grateful for!! :)
Clayton is still on my mind 24/7 but.......
I am functioning. I am sleeping okay. I am eating. I am laughing. I am crying. I am heart-broken. I am hopeful. I am changed. I am grateful, so very grateful.

I am grateful that I have Marcus, my friends and my family who have been my support through all this.
I am grateful that I have inner strength.
I am grateful that I have begun my journey on the road to inner peace.
I am grateful for the bad days because they make the good days so much better.
I am grateful for the opportunity to be a Mother.
I am grateful I am Clatyton's mommy.
I am grateful that I am healing.
I am grateful for hope.
I am grateful I suffer the agony of my heartbreak every single day so that my son didn’t have to.
I am grateful no other decision or experience during the rest of my life will be as tragic and heart-breaking as this one has been. Atleast I pray for that.

I am grateful, truely grateful.


  1. Thanks for reminding us all of how much there is to be grateful for in life. I am grateful for you. It's good to be reminded of the abundance of our blessings every day. Thanks for being part of the love I am blessed with from my family.

  2. You are amazing! Thank you for reminding me of love is forever and that family is important. I love you em.

  3. I am so sorry about yor loss. He is so lucky to have such great parants. I don't know you or your family, but I have keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Thankyou for reminding me of what I am grateful for. You are so strong and I pray for peace in your heart. <3<3

  4. Emily I'm thankful that you are just you - open, honest, hopeful and so sharing with the rest of us. Clayton was and continues to be a blessing een to those of us who had not met him.
