In Loving Memory of Clayton

In Loving Memory of Clayton-

The mention of my child’s name may bring tears to my eyes, but it never fails to bring music to my ears. If you really are my friend, please don’t keep me from hearing this beautiful music: It soothes my broken heart and fills my soul with love.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

University of Iowa childrens hospital radiothon

Today & tomorrow is the annual local radiothon to raise money for the University of Iowa children's hospital. I have listened to this for years. I always was so moved by the stories of the families.  This morning it was a little different. They were talking about us, our story, our son. We were now part of the reason they were raising money, we were "that" family.  It's still is so sad and moving to listen to the multiple stories of families affected by cancer, or micro preemies, or birth defects. It's just sad that things like that have to happen to kids. While driving home tonight, I was listening to it again, and they were talking about calling in and donating, and they said, most people never think it would be them, that they would never think they would be the family who would need the University. He was so right, never did we think we would be in the NICU, let alone did we think Clayton was going to be born with his condition and loose his life.
Clayton & some of his machines, might be scary at first, but you get used to it!
 This is why I am drawn even more to donate this year. The University of Iowa was amazing, I am so incredibly grateful for the experience. Yes it was not the outcome we wanted, but I can honestly look back and say I wouldnt have changed a thing about our experience. The university was wonderful, the nurses, the doctors, and the Love & support we received is irreplaceable. Clayton was given the best possible care and was Loved by so many. The nurses and doctors simply could have just "done their job" but they choose to go beyond. I often remember back and miss the NICU, I know it sounds crazy, but that was our home, that was where we became a family.
So i ask any of you, to think about all the babies & children that the University Helps, hopefully you will be so thankful that you have never/ hopefully will never have to experience the walls of a hospital.

I will be forever grateful & looking back on this time of our lives with a smile on my face.

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